At EPYA, we had recognized the urgent needs for an integrated GRP/ERP systems, thus, we commenced developing our own and internally developed custom and comprehensive systems for enterprises resources planning and management. This provided us with the advantage to customize and integrate these systems in a way that best fulfill the organizations’ requirements in different sectors.
We ended up with a robust, flagship product named “PYLON” that forms a complete business solution that enables governmental entities and big enterprises to automate their daily operations, reaching to a “paper-less” environment, and allowing integration with other governmental entities to support the decision making process internally and externally.
The functional business modules of our GRP/ERP system and their features can be summarized in the followings:
Financial Management
The Financial Management system handles the organization accounting transactions, operations, and reporting. It supports multiple business standards, equipped with comprehensive reporting and auditing tools. The system contains a full cycle of accounting processes along with comprehensive full back-office automation facilities.
The Financial Management System:
- General Ledger
- Budgeting
- Accounts Payables
- Accounts Receivables
- Reporting
- Administration
The Financial Management System excels through the following features:
- Define accounts and cost centers trees with unlimited number of levels.
- Dual-entry system, automatic transfer of journals, creation of journals and cancellation capability.
- Budget definition, budget per cost center with the ability to segregate it into accounts and periods with enable\disable functionality.
- Budget validation with the ability to validate each transaction against the defined budget.
- Creation of purchase invoices, with the ability to schedule their payments.
- Ability to define payments with different payment methods.
- Issuance, withdrawal, and cancellation of payment Cheques.
- Transfers, employees’ loans, and settlements management.
- Receipts and receivable Cheques management.
- Large set of financial reports, (i.e. statements, balances, comparisons, suppliers, Cheques, transfers, receipts, financial status, and others).
- Financial calendars management and fiscal years management.
Human Resources & Payroll
Pylon’s Human Resources and Payroll System handles the organization needs of managing human resources from recruitment till retirement. It provides advanced personnel management functionality as well as a robust payroll module that is able to cope with complex organizational structure.
Employee Details:
- Add/maintain employees, the user will be able to record and attach personal information, historical information in addition to specify his employment information, employee qualifications, employee Courses, insurance, previous experiences, Linguistic and Other Skills
- Record employee’s family information including tax and salary relations.
- Promote an employee(s) based on specific criteria.
- Define pending issues related to employee with the ability to follow them.
- Upload employee's attachments and documents
- Control employee's access, which is integrated with employees id cards and security guards
- Providing the user list of eligible benefits for specific employee depending on employee's grade.
Employee Functions:
- Record employee Rewards and Penalties.
- Track employee’s vacations and balances.
- Use evaluations data for decision supporting.
- Terminate an employee by any reason, and to follow up employee's clearance checklist.
Planning: services, training, vacancies, man power planning, and others:
- Plan for Man Power by Head Count or Monetary Value
- Make a yearly increase for several employees
- Promote several employees
- Renew contracts for several employees
- Define training courses, requirements for training courses can be added.
- Create and maintain available courses journal.
- Create and manage formation matrix, creating vacancies on it in coordination with related departments as well as hiring on open vacancies.
- Open new vacancies; new vacancies can be opened on the formation tables or any other employment situation.
Employees Salary Scale:
- Create and maintain numerous salary scales in order to be associated with the employment situations.
Employees Elements:
- Define deduction based on the deduction types whither the deduction will be fixed amount or a percentage from the salary (net, total …) in addition to specifying default employees subjected to this deduction.
- Define allowance based on the allowances types whither the allowance will be fixed amount or a percentage from the salary (net, total …) in addition to specifying default employees Subject to this allowance and if the allowance is subject to taxes or not.
- Assign allowances to an employee or a number of employees based on specific criteria.
- Assign rewards and compensations to an employee.
- Assign deductions to an employee or a number of employees based on specific criteria.
- Manage loans and installments issues.
Payrolls Generation Process:
- Calculate salaries for an employee or for a number of employees selected based on specific searching criteria. Retroactive transactions can be conducted in addition to Indemnities and settlement calculations. The system will take in consideration the status of the employee during the calculation
- Cancel salary calculations prior to the final submission.
- Post salary calculation transactions in details to specified accounts or to a specified budget keys.
- View calculated salaries in details.
- Create and maintain paymasters.
- Post employees’ salaries to their bank accounts
Administration and Reporting.
Pylon’s Supply Chain Management system aims at providing the organization with the capabilities to efficiently manage procurement cycle and inventory and catalogue management. The inventory system is an essential part of this module.
Inventory Catalogue, Categories and Items:
- Define catalogue tree with unlimited number of levels. Each catalogue can contain and group unlimited number of inventory items.
- Automatic generation of catalogue numbers in which the parent catalogue number will be inherited by the child catalogue.
- Define the items categories tree with unlimited number of levels. Each inventory item can belong to one or multiple category.
- Define custom attributes to the define catalogue these attributes will be propagated and inherited by the underlying items.
- Define inventory items which rich set of built-in attributes, with the ability to define more custom attributes.
- Well-structured items numbering based on the parent catalogue.
- Define different items tracking types, these are: serial items, lot items, pool items. The serial and lot numbers are dynamically generated based on system configurations.
- Define one or more substitute items in case of items’ inexistence.
- Define one or multiple units of measure for the same item.
- Define items’ “active” and “inactive” periods.
- Define inventory planning limits for the item, among these are: item minimum and maximum allowable quantities, and item reorder quantity.
Inventory Operations: Cycle Count/Stock Taking:
- Perform an inventory cycle count operation at any time.
- Automatic fetching of the available balances up to the serial and lot levels.
- Well-Arranged cycle count sheet using which the user can easily specify and compare the items system balances with the actual physical balances.
- Automatic adjustment transactions will be generated based on the cycle count results.
- Ability to cycle count employees, departments, and events custodies.
Inventory Operations: Items Replenishment:
- Generate an inventory replenishment
- report in which the items that touch certain balances limit (Max, Min, and Reorder) will be included.
- Different colors are used to indicate different inventory limits.
Inventory Transactions:
- Provide the organization users with the ability to initiate “In transactions to the inventory”.
- Handle transactions between different inventories.
- Handle returned items from custody transactions.
- Advanced search per transactions list.
- Dynamic transactions list view depends on users privileges’.
- Complete coordination, validation, and management of all transactions performed on items.
- Provide the organization users with the ability to initiate “Out transactions from the inventory”.
- Handle temporary and permanent disbursement.
- Handle disbursement for more than one part (users, departments).
- Handle receipts transactions from different inventories.
- Advanced search per transactions list.
- Dynamic transactions list view depends on users privileges’.
- Complete coordination, validation, and management of all transactions performed on items.
- Handle item retirements.
Administration and Reporting
The purchasing system aims at automating all purchasing transactions starting from creating material requisitions by any department and sending it to purchasing department, managing RFQ’s and quotations, pricing items, integration with inventory, managing bonds, to generating purchase orders. In addition to managing vendors and contacts, tracking MR’s, and reporting features.
Material Requisitions, Request for Quotations (RFQs), Quotations, Purchase Orders:
- Streamlining the whole procurement process starting with materials requisitions, passing by purchase orders and quotations, and ending with inventory receipts and purchase invoices
Bonds Managements:
- Ability to include and Manage Bonds during the purchasing life cycle.
Contracts Managements:
- Ability to define contracts.
- Ability to define payment terms and follow up on them.
- Ability to define changes whether they are increases or decreases in the contract amounts
Vendors Managements:
- Vendors’ management and classifications
Administration and Reporting
Fleet Management
The Fleet Management system aims at providing the organization with the ability to efficiently manage vehicles, drivers, car parks, technicians, maintenance, and dispatching. The application provides the ability to schedule drivers and vehicles daily activities and manage their assignments to events. It also has a full maintenance and work order module that manages vehicle repairs and spare parts.